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Twitter Discusses The Hijacking Of AAVE, Debates Proper Usage

HipHopWired Featured Video CLOSE Source: Westend61 / Getty AAVE, also known as African-American Vernacular English, is an often controversial discussion not so much due to its usage but how AAVE is properly applied. As the English language in America is replete with regional influences, AAVE falls under that distinction and a discussion on the style of speaking is currently trending on Twitter. Twitter user @IvoryTheJunior posted an interesting thought regarding AAVE On Monday (April 11) and the discussion that was sparked from the tweet is still bubbling today (April 12). “Watching non-black people “adopt” (*kidnap) AAVE is so funny to me because there are legit some AAVE terms/phrases that I, a Black person, just don’t use because they don’t sound right coming from me. Y’all mouths be in...