Home » Bitcoin Genesis Day

Bitcoin Genesis Day

Community celebrates Bitcoin Genesis Day by sending BTC to the genesis block

As Bitcoin (BTC) has its 14th birthday, Bitcoiners from around the world are celebrating in various ways, with some opting to send BTC to the address containing the rewards for mining its genesis block. On Jan. 3, 2009, pseudonymous Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto mined the genesis block, which led to the minting of the first 50 BTC. This instance paved the way for an entire industry to be developed, with millions of people working toward a similar vision for the future of money. 14 years later, many are showing their respect by posting various greetings to the cryptocurrency that started it all. Essen, Germany Celebrating #Bitcoin Genesis Day & sound money#gesundesgeld pic.twitter.com/3Ol5E2QdSZ — El Bitcoin ambassador (@elbitcoinamb) January 3, 2023 Some are tipping their ...