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Benn Jordan

Watch Ducks Feast to Make Beats In Experimental Project By Benn Jordan

Oftentimes the opportunity and inspiration to make music exists where you’d least expect it, from the shockwaves of a Tesla coil to a vacuous black hole billions of miles away. Meanwhile, Benn Jordan set out to determine whether ducks could make music. On the surface, it seems like a fowl proposal, but with an Arduino tethered up to three aluminum containers filled to the brim with duck feed, Jordan was willing to test his hypothesis. Despite the odd feeding arrangement this flock didn’t try to duck the opportunity to get their bread. Around a dozen ducks gathered around the food, digging in feverishly and triggering various drum and percussion loops as they gorged. Initially the output of the ducks’ feeding process was cacophonous, off-beat, and sure to ruffle some ...