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Beige Banquet

Difficult Fun: October 2021’s Best Punk

Welcome to the latest edition of Difficult Fun! Each month, SPIN will spotlight the best punk on the planet and discuss it here, with the ambition of challenging preconceived notions of what the four-letter word actually means and, ideally, entertaining readers in the process. Purists, piss off! Everyone else, enjoy. Happy Halloween, ya ghouls! Every day is a costume party when you live and breathe punk, if you really get down to it, so consider this month’s curated list themed. (If you put it on at a party, your friends won’t be disappointed. That is, assuming you have cool friends, and your party is about 34 minutes long. These are short, blistering tracks. Mostly.) I tend to treat All Hallows Eve like any other day, save for the coveted cover show (almost always a good idea if you’re no...