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Bar Code

The Major Benefits that Bar Codes have in Business

Why bar codes? What is the big fuss about? Why should I utilize them in my business? These are all honest questions that every business owner has to ask themselves. In reality, there are countless reasons to use EAN bar codes. A life without them would look a lot different to the one we take for granted today. There are endless ways that they make our lives easier. Firstly, using EAN bar codes in your business will reduce the number of mistakes that are made on a daily basis. The honest truth is that every one of us is human and mistakes are normal. However, mistakes often mean a loss of profits or at the very least an enormous waste of time. And as they say, time is money. Using them in your business makes every day processes a lot smoother and more efficient, saving you both time and mon...

New Ways in which Bar Codes are Used

Product Bar codes were originally invented in 1974 for use only in retail stores in order to streamline their point of sale systems and stock inventory, which can be read about on Encyclopedia but today they are being used in many different ways, as well as many different formats have been created for various uses. Let us look at a few. Bar codes are used in the tracking of illegal actions, such as logging. We may not realise what a serious problem this has become and how authorities are having to keep a very close eye on it, and they are now using them to assist in this regard in the tropical forests. All trees that are cut down legally are tagged with bar codes that have been printed on a plastic tag which is then nailed into the tree and these codes are scanned once the tree is cut down...