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Ayuba Hassan

Teen stabs man to death over phone in Adamawa

A teenager stabbed to death his 21-year-old friend said to have stolen his N55,000 mobile phone, police in Adamawa said. The 18-year-old Abdulkarrm was arrested after he stabbed Ayuba Hassan in Mubi. Abdulkarim told journalists that he and two other friends had gone home to bed after a failed attempt to steal jerrycans of petrol from a filling station in Mubi. He said he realised his mobile phone was missing when he woke up at night, and his two friends told him only Ayuba visited the house while he was asleep. When he confronted Ayuba the next day, argument ensued and soon the situation degenerated into a heated argument. Then the duo accompanied by two of their friends agreed to go to the riverside and fight. Abdulkarim further stated that on their way to the riverside, Ayuba threw a sto...