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Jihadists kill all male Christians in two Nigerien towns, women flee

Jihadists in Niger Republic have killed all the male Christians in Fantio and Dolbel, two towns in the Tillabéri region in the south west. Survivors of the attack, a group of women, with small children and babies fled to the Dori region of Burkina Faso. AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED (ACN), which reported the attacks, quoted the women as saying the terrorists attacked the towns twice, killing the men. The two towns were abandoned by the rest of the inhabitants. In Fantio, the jihadists took a statue of the Virgin Mary, liturgical books and musical instruments and burned them. They then desecrated the Blessed Sacrament by throwing the sacred hosts on the ground and finally setting the church on fire. This is the third parish in this part of Niger that has been abandoned due to terrorist attacks ...

Nigerian community disturbed over looting, destruction, violence in South Africa

The Nigerian Union South Africa (NUSA) has expressed concern over the looting, destruction and violence that has trailed the incarceration of former President Jacob Zuma of South Africa. NUSA, in a statement made available to newsmen by its President, Adetola Olubajo, urged Nigerians in South Africa, most especially in various cities in Kwa Zulu Natal and Gauteng Provinces, to be vigilant and adopt safety and security measures. ‘The union is highly disturbed seeing the extent of looting, destructions and violence perpetrated by the angry protesters during our fact-finding trip to Johannesburg this morning. ‘Violent protest erupted in KZN province during the weekend after the incarceration of former President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma. Over 18 trucks were set ablaze, businesses looted and...

President Buhari orders military to crush bandits in ‘language they understand’

President Muhammadu Buhari on Saturday ordered the military to crush bandits operating in Zamfara and Kaduna in the language they understand. The president condemned repeated bandit killings in Zamfara and Kaduna States, urging the nation’s military to respond to the worrying situation in a language that the bandits understood. Buhari, in a statement issued by his spokesman, Garba Shehu noted that the military and other security agencies were now working on new methods and policies that are yielding good results in many of the troubled parts of the country. He called for a crushing response to the killing of innocent citizens in the rural communities. Buhari also averred that the nation, its military and the entire population needed to summon the courage required to defeat the bandits and ...

Yahaya Bello: Nigeria deserves the best captain no matter where he comes from

The Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, has said that rather engage on the unconstitutional issue of rotational presidency, what Nigerians should focus on is look for that Nigerian, no matter where he comes, who can be the captain to pilot the country to the promised land. The governor who stated this at the First Annual Governor Yahaya Bello (GYB) Seminar for Nigeria’s Political and Crime Correspondents/Editors at the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, said that even after 16 years of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and another six years of All Progressives Congress (APC), in the country, the problems of the nation has not been solved by the rotational presidency that has taken place over the years. Bello insisted that the political party must not limit the choice of Nigerians to any region...

NEMA: Why we held simulated terror attack on Abuja stadium

The National Emergency Management Agency says the simulated terrorists attack on the Moshood Abiola National stadium, Abuja is to prepare relevant agencies for coordinated emergency response. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the exercise held on Wednesday. Mustapha Ahmed, the Director-General of NEMA said this in an interview with newsmen at the event organised by the Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) with planning and assistance from the U.S. and UK. NAN reports that the exercise code named “Idahun Kankan’’ Yoruba words meaning (Quick Response) saw a simulated bomb attack and marauding gunfire in the stadium while a match was going on. The simulated attacks left many spectators feigned maimed, wounded and others scampering for safety and escape. Following notification, ...

Igbo group urges Nigerian government to charge Nnamdi Kanu for murder

The Igbo Peace Forum (IPF) has urged the Federal Government to press charges of mass murder against the leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mr Nnamdi Kanu. The group made the call on Sunday, in Abuja, at a solidarity rally to register their support for President Muhammadu Buhari and the security agencies for their accomplishments in recent security operations in the country. The Group’s National Coordinator, Mr Emeka Okpara said Igbo citizens were concerned that certain individuals had taken up arms against constituted authority, leading to loss of lives and property of several innocent citizens. “It would be recalled that the leader of the proscribed IPOB, Kanu, who was standing trial on several charges, including treason, jumped bail, but was re-arrested recently...

PANDEF cautions Nigerian government over Nnamdi Kanu, Sunday Igboho, others

The Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF) has cautioned the Federal Government over some of its recent actions, warning that the government should consider the consequences of treating with contempt, the 16-Point Agenda it presented to President Muhammadu Buhari in November 2016. The group also condemned the midnight raid on the house of Yoruba Nation agitator, Sunday Adeyemo, popularly called Sunday Igboho and cautioned the Government’s plan to identify the sponsors of the rearrested leader of the Independent People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu. The socio-cultural organization said the action of the government has caused the Niger Delta youths to declare a vote of no-confidence on PANDEF because it was the leaders of the region that requested them to stay action when they took a decision to cri...

Lagos traders send SOS to police, governor over planned market raid

Traders, shop owners and stakeholders operating under the aegis of Balogun Business Association (BBA) in Lagos have raised the alarm over a rumoured threat to raid their market by thugs loyal to a former chairman of the association. The aggrieved traders who addressed reporters yesterday at the Association Secretariat at the popular Lagos International Trade Fair Complex, Badagry Expressway, Ojo, alleged that credible intelligence at their disposal indicates that the planned invasion of their peaceful market would take place between Sunday, June 27 and Wednesday, July 28. Warning of imminent bloodshed of innocent traders should the alleged invasion happen, the Principal Stakeholders, recalling that similar attacks by the same person in the years 2005 and 2007 had led to the loss of lives, ...

Rivers governor calls for workable life insurance scheme for police

Concerned about the recent spate of dastardly attacks on police officers, the Governor of Rivers State, Nyeson Ezenwo Wike, has urged the Federal government to put in place a workable life insurance scheme for all police personnel. The governor said the life insurance scheme should be considered a necessity so that when a police officer dies on duty protecting the public, his loved ones will not be financially divested afterwards. He made the suggestion when the President, Police Officers Wives Association (POWA), Hajia Hajara Alkali Baba, paid him a courtesy call at the Government House, Port Harcourt on Friday. Governor Wike observed that policing has become a risky occupation, and concerted effort must be made by the Federal government to ensure those police officers who risk their live...

Abia: Police go unconventional, places juju in front of station

The Nigerian police in Abia have adopted unconventional method of fighting crime by placing a deity-like juju on a check point in Umuahia, the state capital. The object was placed on St. Finbarr’s/Bende Roads Junction adjacent the Central Police Station (CPS), Umuahia. When newsmen visited the area, a policeman was seen posing with the juju as other policemen armed to the teeth were seen stationed strategically around the junction. Investigations revealed that unknown gunmen who of late have been burning police formations and killing policemen were reported to be wearing juju brackets ‘Odeshi’ on their waist which allegedly prevent bullets from piercing their bodies. It was perhaps to neutralize the perceived efficacy of the unknown gunmen odeshi that made the police to adopt theirs. A pol...

Amnesty: Nigerian government highly sensitive to criticism

The country director of Amnesty International (AI) Nigeria, Osai Ojigho, says the federal government is “highly sensitive to criticism” and only focuses on appearances. Ojigho stated this on Thursday while addressing the topic “Is Freedom of Speech in Danger in Nigeria?” during a virtual conversation, tagged ‘Thursday Talks’. The virtual conversation, which is a monthly programme focused on engaging thought leaders, was moderated by Adeboye Adegoke, senior programme manager at Paradigm Initiative. The AI country director described the government’s ban on Twitter and its proposed amendment to the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) code as attempts to gag criticism. “What we are seeing is a government that is highly sensitive to criticism and, as such, seeks to work more on the public re...

Imo: Army chief asks troops to redouble effort in fighting IPOB

The chief of army staff, Faruk Yahaya, has asked troops deployed in Imo to redouble their effort in the fight against the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). The army chief who made the call while he visited the troops said he was in the state to have an assessment of the security situation. There has been a series of attacks in Imo in recent weeks. IPOB has been accused of perpetrating the attacks, but the group has continued to deny the allegation. In a statement on Wednesday, Onyema Nwachukwu, army spokesperson, said the army chief also hailed the troops for their resilience. “The Chief of Army Staff ( COAS) Maj Gen Faruk Yahaya has lauded the resilience and doggedness of troops of 34 Brigade and operatives of other security agencies in turning the tide of the recent spate of...