For the sixth episode of the animated series inspired by the popular mobile game Arknights, developers tapped Steve Aoki and RUNN to soundtrack their narrative back in July. The result was the wobble-heavy bass track “Last Of Me” and its accompanying music video. Now, the duo is back with new recruits, Yellow Claw, for the seventh episode’s theme song. Titled “End Like This,” the new collaboration will help celebrate the game’s first anniversary. Like the previous theme, RUNN leads the charge with an empowering vocal offering. Moving away from the bassier side of the electronic music spectrum, the new release is decidedly less heavy than its predecessor. While still appropriate for the epic scale of the story it represents, the song would likely fi...
The mobile tower defense game Arknights has been teaming up with some of dance music’s biggest names, including Bear Grillz, Quix, Yellow Claw, and Steve Aoki to produce original music. Following the positive reception of Aoki’s bass-heavy single “Last of Me,” a collaboration with RUNN that was added to the game’s soundtrack earlier this month, the song has now received its own animated music video. The single was released as the official theme for the Chapter 6 installation of the Arknights saga titled “Partial Necrosis.” Aoki’s slow build of shimmering synths coupled with the vivid lyricism of RUNN aptly set the tone for the music video’s breakout into an epic battle. The video depicts the conflict between Yeti Squad an...