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Apple iOS

Android Has 47 Times More Malware Than iOS According to Apple CEO

Image sourced from Reuters. CEO of Apple, Tim Cook has said that Android has significantly more malware than iOS and that “sideloading” smartphone apps is something “not in the best interest of users.” Virtually speaking at the VivaTech 2021 conference in Paris, France, on June 16, Cook claims that Android carries “47 times more malware” than Apple’s OS because of the way that iOS has been designed. Namely, that there’s only one App Store and that all Apps loaded to the Store undergo a strict review process. App Sideloading Android-operating devices allow users to sideload apps, meaning that users can download apps directly from third parties or websites into their phones without having to go through the Google Play store. Obviously, unaware users can be caught off-guard by malware in side...

Fortnite’s Season Update will not Release on Apple Devices

Epic Games has confirmed that its newest Fornite season will not be available to Apple gamers. In an official statement, the game developer says that Apple is blocking said updates. “Apple is blocking Fortnite updates and new installs on the App Store, and has said they will terminate our ability to develop Fortnite for Apple devices. As a result, Fortnite’s newly released Chapter 2 – Season 4 update (v14.00), will not release on iOS and macOS on August 27.” And that’s not all, Epic Games confirmed to The Verge that “players on iPhone, iPad, and Mac will also lose cross-play Fortnite multiplayer with non-Apple platforms”. This comes in the midst of a massive brawl between the two companies over in-app payments and Apple alleged App Store monopoly. /* custom css */ .tdi_3_111.td-a-rec-img{ ...