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A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of…Liza Lentini, SPIN Features Editor

When I launched “A Day in the Life” almost exactly one year ago, I never expected to be doing one. I get so many inquiries about what this job entails, I thought it was time. I have been writing and editing professionally for over twenty years now, but music journalism is its own sweaty, savage beast. I try to make it tamer and less feral, but you can’t change something’s inherent DNA. And truly, you might not want to. Rock ‘n roll is supposed to be wild to a certain degree, don’t you think? I thought it might be enlightening for readers to see what the life of a SPIN editor is really like. First things first: Forget what you’ve seen in the movies. Also, this isn’t the ‘70s and none of us are the late, great Lester Bangs. While I’m sure there are still music journalists that adhere to that...