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5G Use

Orange Launches 5G Pilot Test in Mali

Sourced from MSNBC. Mobile operator Orange Mali has announced the launch of a 5G pilot in the country’s capital of Bamako. Orange is inviting customers to be the first to test the new network. A launch event on 7 July was attended by government officials including Harouna Mamadou Toureh, the Minister of Communication, Digital Economy and Modernisation of the Administration. Developing Telecoms reports that this new pilot phase has been authorised by the Malian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Information and Communication Technologies, and Posts (AMRTP). Premier pilote 5G au Mali, sur le réseau @Orange_Mali. Une infrastructure qui va révolutionner les usages du numérique au #Mali. Merci Monsieur le Ministre pour votre engagement en faveur du numérique : #M4Dev #eEducation, #eSante ...