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Report finds crypto crime resulted in $14 billion worth of losses in 2021

Chainalysis findings show that there is currently more than $10 billion in illicit money (mostly stolen) held in crypto wallets A new report from the blockchain data platform Chainalysis has revealed that crime involving cryptocurrencies last year hit an all-time high of $14 billion. This figure is almost twice the sum ($7.8 billion) recorded in 2020. This upsurge in funds lost to fraudulent activity was, however, majorly attributed to the growth of the crypto markets. The markets saw transaction volumes rise by more than 550% to reach $15.8 trillion. The $14 billion sum lost represents just a mere figure of 0.15% of all the blockchain transactions seen in 2021. “We had an explosion in the amount of on-chain activity (in 2021). It’s just that the amount of crime didn’t gr...

Anambra 2021: The Issues We Are Not Discussing

ANAMBRA 2021: THE ISSUES WE ARE NOT DISCUSSING By Dr Godwin Maduka I am onye Anambra, and today, I write not as a person with partisan interest, but as a concerned citizen, or what our people call “nwa afo”. I write as a citizen with civic consciousness who understands that more often than not, especially in the Nigerian political space, electioneering activities tend to obscure the real issues affecting the society. Those issues get glossed over without critical appraisal and are lost in the din of campaign activities. And so elections come and go, but those issues still remain because like Newton’s first law of motion states, an object will remain at rest or move in a constant velocity until it is acted upon by an external force. It is another election season in my dear State, and we sho...