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Swinger Talks About The Surprising Downsides Of Living The Lifestyle

Swinger Talks About The Surprising Downsides Of Living The Lifestyle

Videos by OutKick

Being a swinger isn’t for everyone. There’s a lot that goes into the lifestyle. There’s the secret handshakes – I might have made that one up – and signs you could be sending that you aren’t even aware of.

Then, of course, there’s the signs you can send on purpose. Like wearing certain jewelry that lets others know you’re down with swapping partners.

As good as all of that sounds, there are downsides to living the swinger lifestyle. A married woman and swinger, who goes by the name Vista Wife, detailed some surprising downsides of living the lifestyle.

She’s not talking about any of the relationship issues that could arise from mixing it up in the bedroom. Vista Wife is breaking it down for the folks in terms of dollars and cents. That’s right being a swinger has some surprising costs associated with it.

“Why swinging can be expensive. I know what you’re thinking. ‘How can it be expensive?’ but here’s why,” she said. “When heading to a club, don’t forget you have entry fees and I always have to buy new lingerie.”

The married mother of two, who has been with her husband for more than a decade continued, “If you plan on meeting another couple at a hotel, don’t forget you’ve got the hotel cost. And actually trying to get there, so you’ve got the travel cost as well.”

All of that makes sense. You can’t go clubbing to pickup a new partner with some old worn out lingerie on. Then you have to pay to get into the club, not to mention there’s the hotel costs if that’s where you decide to get down to business.

Some More Reasons The Swinger Lifestyle Might Not Be For You

This is all really starting to add up and we haven’t even gotten into things like protection. Don’t worry, the Vista Wife knows all about that too. As well as the pesky fees associated with swinger websites.

“If you’re wanting to meet people online, don’t forget the site’s monthly subscription fees, and some of these fees are extortionate,” she pointed out. “And finally, STI testing kits and condoms, it all adds up.”

For someone who lives the lifestyle she’s not doing it any favors here. Breaking all of this down is going to turn some folks away for sure. There was enough going on without breaking out the expense report.

Maybe that’s the whole point. Vista Wife very well could be attempting to weed out the amateurs. That’s a professional move by the social media influencer.

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