DEAR ABBY: After decades of research, I’m thrilled with the recent major progress being made in treatments for people who already have symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. I’m hoping that, one day, we will be able to prevent people from developing memory impairment and dementia.
Brain changes, including the buildup of a toxic protein into amyloid plaques, begin up to 20 years before a person notices any symptoms. This “asymptomatic” stage may be the perfect time to test treatments aiming to delay or prevent symptoms before they begin.
This is why we are conducting the AHEAD Study, an investigational trial of lecanemab, an FDA-approved medication for mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. The AHEAD Study is testing whether starting lecanemab in those with amyloid plaques before symptoms start can help prevent cognitive decline.
As a neurologist, a clinical researcher and someone who has seen Alzheimer’s in my own family, I’m grateful we are seeing such progress in our field. But, Abby, we need help from your readers to test these promising medications before the devastating symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are apparent. Those interested in the AHEAD Study should call 800-243-2370 or visit AHEADstudy.org to help us get ahead of Alzheimer’s. — REISA SPERLING, M.D., PROFESSOR OF NEUROLOGY, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL
DEAR DR. SPERLING: Thank you for your letter. Readers, more than 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s. Changing the trajectory of the disease before symptoms appear is an important scientific pursuit. Clinical trials hold the key to new and better Alzheimer’s disease treatments.
Approximately 55,000 volunteers are needed for more than 180 clinical trials. In addition to the AHEAD study, the Alzheimer’s Association offers TrialMatch, a free service that connects people living with dementia, caregivers and healthy volunteers to clinical trials. Clinical trial volunteers are key to better treatments, prevention strategies and a future cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Visit trialmatch.alz.org or call 800-272-3900 to learn more.