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Sotheby’s Unveils the Extensive Collection of Karl Lagerfeld for Auction

Sotheby’s Unveils the Extensive Collection of Karl Lagerfeld for Auction

Until his death in 2019, Karl Lagerfeld devoted himself to high fashion and the arts. He was a creative icon that exuded finery into every aspect of life, and now the items that surrounded him every-day are set to go to auction at Sotheby’s later this year.

The expectedly bountiful collection will be spread across auction houses in Monaco, Paris and Cologne. Comprised of fine art, design, personal trinkets and of course fashion, the offering wholly encapsulates the enchanting life of the creative director. Relics from Lagerfeld’s glamorous time in fashion and across his tenure at Chloe, Chanel and Fendi seep into this collection, including 200 pairs of his famous fingerless gloves he was known to always adorn.

With a longing for Art Deco, Lagerfeld acquired many pieces by his favorite artists, André Mare and Louis Süe, whose dressing tables, bergères and other furniture make up a large portion of the collection. German artifacts from the turn of the 20th century, including designs from architect Bruno Paul and poster artist Ludwig Hohlwein, look to Lagerfeld’s German lineage.

Other quirks in the offering include dishwear of his cat Choupette, figurines and even iPhone cases, which are a testament to Lagerfeld’s appreciation for a broad-spectrum of the arts.

Take a look at a cross section of the collection in the gallery above.

Meanwhile in other art news, Pasadena’s Norton Simon is viewing “Unseen Picasso” prints.

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