Something something you ship your org chart.

- Why is the toolbar a different color?
- Why is it oval when the buttons it features are square?

- Are you aware that this is ugly?
- Seriously, what is the logic behind the oval / rectangle divide?
- Do you think it’s important for us to notice the toolbar?
- You know it’s kind of distracting to make it a different color, right?
- How many committee meetings went into that toolbar?
- Is anyone working on a Chrome extension to make Google Docs look less hideous?
- Are you evaluated for how many products you successfully ship, or are you evaluated on whether the products are good?
- How many people made this toolbar decision?
- Is this an act of aggression against your users?
- Do you resent us?
- Or, do you just figure we’re trapped here?
- Have you been arguing with your boss about this and they just weren’t listening because there were KPIs to hit?

- If you’re adding colors, why not add them to the share settings so people can easily distinguish between “viewer,” “commenter,” and “editor?”
- Why are the buttons there ovals?

- Is it just that you slapped this together as fast as you could in the hopes you’d get promoted to a hotter division, like AI or something?
- If you like ovals so much, how come everything isn’t ovals?
- I don’t mind the ovals. It’s just the oval / square thing makes me think of McMansion windows. Do you live in a McMansion?
- What does your hottest in-house AI think about ovals?
- Is it easier to see the problem if we go to Dark mode?

- My colleagues wanted to know this one: how dare you?
- Is there a holy war between oval and square devotees and this was the compromise?
- Seriously, you know this is enterprise software, right?
- While we’re here, can you go find your Google Meet colleagues and ask them to differentiate the “raise hand” and “clap emoji” buttons more clearly?