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Sign the Petition to Declare April 17th “Drum & Bass Day”

Sign the Petition to Declare April 17th “Drum & Bass Day”

Since the early 1990s, drum & bass has been a staple in the world of electronic music. Nearly three decades in, the genre has spread from the United Kingdom throughout the world and continues to innovate and impress with its intricate sound design, crushing low-end energy, heart-wrenching melodies, and danceable grooves. With such a diverse array of sound within itself, it’s safe to say that drum & bass will continue to be a crowd favorite for years to come.

With that in mind, as well as the state of the locked-down world amid COVID-19, The Blast UK thought that now would be the perfect time to celebrate drum & bass and its persistent fanbase, who have helped keep the genre alive throughout the years and even through the brutal COVID-19 epoch, when live events completely evaporated.

The Blast have started a petition to make April 17th the official, internationally acknowledged “Drum & Bass Day.” The date’s numeric layout, 17.4, is a nod to 174 beats per minute, the tempo at which drum & bass is most recognized. As of today, February 24th, nearly 2,000 people and entities have signed the petition, including UKF, Hospitality, Bristol’s Motion Nightclub, New Zealand’s George FM, and many others.

Help The Blast persuade Ministers of Culture across the globe to officially recognize April 17th as “Drum & Bass Day” by signing the petition

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