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Shared Google Sheet Launched In Effort to Support Ukrainian Artists and Record Labels

Shared Google Sheet Launched In Effort to Support Ukrainian Artists and Record Labels

Efforts to get critical humanitarian aid to Ukraine are underway, and one organization has created a shared file spotlighting the nation’s artistic community in need. 

If-Only, a UK-based publication, has launched an open-source Google Sheet containing a list of Ukranian artists and music labels with the help of public suggestions.

The header of the shared document issues a call to action encouraging supporters to back the Ukrainian artists and labels via Bandcamp. At the time of writing, the list sits at a combined 130 labels and artists of all stylistic varieties from techno to ambient jazz.

As If-Only notes, Bandcamp is viewed as a favorable channel when it comes to directly supporting artists. Artists on the platform generally retain 82% of the funds donated on the platform, and that share is even higher on Bandcamp Fridays—usually the first Friday in the calendar month—when Bandcamp waives commission fees.

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While time is of the essence for artists in need, prospective donors who contribute on the next Bandcamp Friday, March 4th, will ensure roughly 93% of their funds reach the artist following payment processing fees. 

Users who’d like to suggest Ukrainian artists for inclusion on the Google Sheet are encouraged to leave a comment in an empty cell for the spreadsheet owner to populate.

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