Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty
Before the unfortunate arrival of COVID-19, one of the Trump administration’s biggest scandals was its abhorrent family separation policy at the border.
Tuesday (Oct.6), the New York Times published details from a draft of the Department of Justice inspector general report into the administration’s family separation policy. It explicitly details how those involved did not care how inhumane the idea of separating children from their parents was. According to notes taken by people in the room, during a meeting with five U.S. attorneys along the border, Jeff Sessions told them:
“We need to take away children, If you care about kids, don’t bring them in. Won’t give amnesty to people with kids.”
Jeff Sessions wasn’t alone either in pushing for enforcement of Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy. The following week after the meeting with Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein got on a phone call with the same US attorneys.
Per The New York Times
“Rod J. Rosenstein, then the deputy attorney general, went even further in a second call about a week later, telling the five prosecutors that it did not matter how young the children were. He said that government lawyers should not have refused to prosecute two cases simply because the children were barely more than infants.”
The report also details that the DOJ’s focus on family separation led to “sex offenders being released” and that officials took“breastfeeding defendant moms away from their infants,” a Texas prosecutor told their boss.
Another eyebrow-raising revelation from the report is that despite former Department of Homeland Security head Kirstjen Nielsen getting the brunt of the blame, it was the DOJ who was pushing it.
“For two years, Ms. Nielsen has taken the brunt of the public criticism for separating migrant families because of her decision to refer adults crossing the border illegally with children for prosecution. A day after the president’s retreat, Mr. Sessions distanced his department from the decision, telling CBN News that “we never really intended” to separate children.”
“That was false, according to the draft report. It made clear that from the policy’s earliest days in a five-month test along the border in Texas, Justice Department officials understood — and encouraged — the separation of children as an expected part of the desire to prosecute all undocumented border crossers.”
While we already know Trump and the DOJ under him were disgusting, this further confirms how evil they truly were. Please vote on November 3. Donald Trump, aka the COVID-19 super spreader, has got to go.
Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty