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Richard Misrach’s Dynamic Landscapes Examine Humans Complex Relationship With Nature

Richard Misrach’s Dynamic Landscapes Examine Humans Complex Relationship With Nature

Richard Misrach is an award-winning photographer whose expansive landscape images showcase man’s complex relationship to nature. This past weekend, Pace Gallery unveiled a new solo exhibition spotlighting a multi-body series of work, including the American photographer’s On the Beach, State of the Union, Notations, and Acrobats series.

“At the still point of the turning world, 2002–2022” is Misrach’s fifth exhibition at Pace New York and will be complemented by Alexander Calder’s kinetic sculpture, Acrobats (c. 1927). The exhibition presents large-scale photographs Misrach took over the same hotel balcony in Hawaii for two decades. “For the past 20 years, I have stood at the still point while below me the world unfolded on the beach. The surfers. Bathers. The serious swimmers out at dawn—will they make it back? The sun worshippers. Kayakers. Yoga practitioners. The boot camp aficionados and their trainers … Those who kissed and those who mercilessly splashed others … The baptisms. A couple of shipwrecks on the reef…”

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From a distance, Misrach’s dynamic landscapes could be mistaken for a painting. Behind the implicit beauty, the photographer seeks to highlight the devastating ecological effects of human intervention, industrial development, nuclear testing and petrochemical pollution on the natural world.

To give a closer look, Pace released a short film that explores Misrach’s process for the “Stil Point” series, which you can view above. “Still Point” is on view at Pace’s New York flagship until April 16, 2022.

In case you missed it, Facebook’s “On The Map” highlighted Detroit’s Black arts scene.

510 West 25th Street
New York

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