Oso Oso guitarist Tavish Maloney died on March 24th at the age of 24. The cause of his passing is currently undisclosed.
Several days after Maloney’s death, Oso Oso lead singer Jade Lilitri shared a lengthy tribute to his longtime friend, in which he described the guitarist as “a rock star in every sense of the word.” Lilitri added, “he treated the stage like church and the audience like God.”
Lilitri said Maloney was “healthy happy and ready to thrive” when they last saw each other. They were filming a movie together and had plans to work on an album this summer.
The full tribute includes stories about growing up together in Long Beach, New York. Read the whole thing below.
Musicians like The Hotelier’s Christian Holden, Prince Daddy & the Hyena, Kississippi, Mom Jeans, Retirement Party, and California Cousins also shared tributes on social media. Oso Oso’s current label, Triple Crown Records, and previous label, Counter Intuitive Records, chimed in as well.
I’m not prepared for this now and I literally was never prepared when I met Tav for the first time, when I toured with them for the first time, when I really got to know how sweet Tav was. Just the enormous positive energy. Love this fucking kid. RIP Tav. https://t.co/P4To78vOWN
— Christian Holden (@moldyfish) March 26, 2021
just indulged in the ol Tavish Trifecta (pizzahut, tacobell, sonic) in yr honor bro !!! love u !!!!!
Prince Daddy & The Hyena
(@Pdaddynthehyena) March 26, 2021
thank you for everything. i wish i could turn around on stage and see your sweet smiling face one more time. i will never forget you and the impact you had on our community. love you forever and ever tavboi. pic.twitter.com/iT4T4lGHR7
— kissy ✿ (@kississippiPHL) March 26, 2021
Tav will always be the best example I have of how to show up for your friends and how to to love INCREDIBLY hard without even trying. I hope to fuck I’ll see his ass someday, and if there really is a great big gig in the sky I know he’ll either be playing, or in the front row
— Mom Jeans. (@momjeansca) March 28, 2021
Tavish was such a kind and generous person. Always welcoming. Always a light in the room. Always down to hang. We love u buddy. We are sending all of our love to everyone who knew and loved Tav. Rest well, friend.
— Retirement Party (@rtrmntprty) March 26, 2021
Tavish always called me Dordan and I’d call him Davish. It was really fucking dumb, which is right up my alley. He always had a big ass smile on and somehow had the energy to be friendly and supportive to everyone he came across. May he rock on forever in our hearts. ♥️
— California Cousins
(@calicuzns) March 26, 2021
Sending love and condolences to Tavish’s family and friends and everyone in the extended @osoosoband family. We’re so sorry for your loss.
Wonderful photo and memories courtesy of our friend @KrisHerrmann pic.twitter.com/1xIWDvPxel
— Triple Crown Records (@3crown) March 26, 2021
i was completely broke at sxsw 2017 & i asked tavish for some weed. he said yea, in exchange for 50% of cirecs & gave me a handful. when i tried to pay him back he said a deal is a deal, so for the last 4 years every time i saw him he reminded me he owns half the label
— Counter Intuitive (@CIRecs) March 28, 2021