r/space, r/beer, r/podcasts, and many others were targeted.
Many major Reddit moderator accounts were targets of a coordinated attack this morning, August 7th, 2020. Popular electronic music subreddit r/EDM was one to have been compromised along with r/beer, r/podcasts, and many others.
According to a report by Safekeep Cybersecurity, hackers left messages on many of the subreddits, like the one below, as seen in r/bostonceltics.
They also re-skinned some of the pages with election propaganda, like r/space, which you can see via the screenshot below.
SubredditDrama compiled a full list of the targeted subreddits. Moderators also offered a comprehensive guide on how to restore subs that were compromised.
- r/3amjokes
- r/Animemes
- r/awwducational
- r/bertstrips
- r/blackmirror
- r/blackpeopletwitter
- r/buffy
- r/CFB
- r/comedyheaven (currently private)
- r/CrewsCrew
- r/Dallas
- r/DestinyTheGame
- r/DeTrashed
- r/Disneyland
- r/dndmemes
- r/EDM
- r/food
- r/freefolk
- r/gamemusic
- r/gorillaz
- r/hentaimemes
- r/iss
- r/Japan
- r/Naruto
- r/nfl
- r/podcasts
- r/politicaldiscussion
- r/rupaulsdragrace
- r/ShitAmericansSay
- r/ShitPostCrusaders
- r/space
- r/StartledCats
- r/subaru
- r/Supernatural
- r/Sweatypalms
- r/telescopes
- r/vancouver
- r/WeAreTheMusicMakers
- r/weddingplanning
Credit: Safekeep Cybersecurity