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Problems You Might Encounter When You Abstain From Sex For A Long Period Of Time

Problems You Might Encounter When You Abstain From Sex For A Long Period Of Time

Following are five potential consequences of lacking intimacy, according to Medicalnewstoday.

1. Stress and anxiety: In the course of intimate activity, the body releases endorphins and the hormone oxytocin. Controlling the consequences of stress or anxiety can be facilitated by these neurochemicals. Oxytocin also helps with sleep, which is an extra bonus.

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2. Your blood pressure can spike: After a wonderful night of passionate love, everything in the world can feel better. Even though you have many deadlines and your boss won’t stop micromanaging you, the fact that you are constantly getting recruited makes all of these problems seem extremely Click “HERË” To Read The Full Write-up On Our web

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