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“Pretty Dark Loud”: How My Most Challenging Times Inspired My First Album

“Pretty Dark Loud”: How My Most Challenging Times Inspired My First Album

This is an opinion column. The thoughts and viewpoints expressed are those of the author, Anderson Benoit Gallegos, proprietor of The Mersiv Sound Project.

Sometimes it’s hard to realize how long we’ve been in this pandemic. Sometimes it feels like yesterday, sometimes it feels like a lifetime. I never really knew my life would take such a sharp pause and change, but ultimately I’m glad it did. I’m proud of the struggle and how it’s left me stronger, more focused, and beyond grateful to be able to be doing what I love each and every day.

When the lockdowns started, Pretty Dark Loud was just a thought. Even though it was just a couple starting riffs, I knew it was going to be something special. Lockdown was one of the most challenging times of my life—like most people, it was unlike anything I had ever faced before. But it was a blessing to work on something that could distract me from the news, and be able to focus my energy on something creative.

It’s funny how life goes up and down. While I was writing this album, it was hard at times and other times felt like blah. I spent so much time in the studio it felt like I was starting to become part of my computer. Some days felt like nothing was coming together, others felt like everything happened right at once. Inspiration comes from the strangest of places, but ends up turning into the most beautiful art with the right time and attention. This album was like an endless workout, such a grinding process, but I’m so stoked with how it ended up. I can’t wait for y’all to hear it!

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I could try to give a grand meaning to these tracks, but the goal of this album was to give the listener a unique experience for themselves to discover their own connection with it. Pretty Dark Loud is meant to be enjoyed, however, and whenever people need it. I hope next summer people are able to fully be done with COVID and enjoy this music with the people they love.

To everyone who has supported me on this journey, thank you. To those who are as excited as I am to finally see this record come to be in this world, thank you. To all the collaborators, I cannot express my gratitude enough for you being a part of this release. I have never been so proud of a release in my entire career, and I cannot wait to see how it is received. I can’t wait to see everyone back together again doing what they love, sharing music with each other and genuinely being happy to exist.


Drop Creative/Trey Sarmento

This record is dedicated to my mom. Her birthday would have been on Sunday, and I wanted to release this album as a gift to her. It felt as if she was with me the whole time writing these tracks. Always there to push me just a little bit further when I couldn’t see where I was headed.

I never thought music would take me to the places it has, but I’m most excited to see the places that it will lead me to next. I poured my whole heart and soul into this record, and hope it can help anyone listening through the rain, and better appreciate the sunshine.

With endless love, Anderson.

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