Phil Elverum has announced a forthcoming documentary titled There’s No End. Mattias Evangelista directed it, with Elverum credited as a producer. A release date for There’s No End has not yet been announced. Watch a trailer for the film, wherein Elverum discusses parenting and “making the leap into belief,” below.
Elverum, Evangelista, and director of photography Riley Donovan all shared individual statements about their work in the YouTube description for the clip. Elverum wrote:
The documentary is the latest undertaking from Elverum, who has a 10xLP Microphones box set in the works. It’s set to be released in mid-February, according to Elverum’s website. Elverum revived the Microphones name for the first time in 17 years with Microphones in 2020, which got its own documentary-short and photo book counterparts. He’s set to tour the United States, beginning in California, next week.
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