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Oscar Oiwa Dreams up Studios Around the Globe in Latest “If I were living in …” Exhibition

Oscar Oiwa Dreams up Studios Around the Globe in Latest “If I were living in …” Exhibition

New York stationed gallery, NowHere, presents its latest exhibition with Tokyo-based artist Oscar Oiwa. The visual artist gradually shifted from working in architecture to producing his own works of art garnering massive attention for his everyday perspectives and mesmerizing installations such as the BLACK & LIGHT immersive mural.

This latest showcase entitled “If I were living in …” is comprised of a number of large-scale oil paintings featuring Oiwa in his dreamed-up studios across the globe. During the lockdown, the São Paulo-born artist longed to be situated anywhere but his studio in Long Island City, New York, so he transported himself through his art into dimensions in which he envisioned what his studio would look like if he was in Paris in 1910, Milan in 1925, São Paulo in 1956, and more.

While the pandemic serves as a primarily negative impact on the whole world, Oiwa took inspiration and dug deeper into the depths of periods known for having a similar societal change.

“I believe an artist can do nothing alone, that we need an environment in which to create something new and, in these locations and eras, this was happening—the ground was fertile for the arts to develop,” said Oiwa.

To further evolve the series, each piece is accompanied by a 3D digital rending featuring an avatar of the artist himself along with tailored soundtracks from seven-time Grammy nominee Zé Luis. The renderings will be sold as animated NFTs and completing the collection are small figurine sculptures of Oiwa propped over actual palettes.

“If I were living in …” is now on display until April 3. More information on the exhibition can be found on NowHere’s website.

Elsewhere in art, Arghavan Khosravi weaved hope in The Morning Light.

40 Wooster St.,
New York, NY

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