In a recent incident, popular actor and comedian, Okon Lagos, strongly criticized the president of the Dog Lovers Association for calling out renowned chef Hilda Baci and influencer Enioluwa for publicizing a dish made with dog meat. The controversy arose when a video featuring Hilda Baci and Enioluwa trying out the dog meat delicacy went viral, attracting backlash from Jackie Idimogu, the president of the Dog Lovers Association.

Expressing his thoughts on the matter, Okon Lagos labeled the Dog Lovers Association president as “Cloutina” and accused her of trying to diminish Hilda’s success by inciting Western hate. He pointed out that consuming dog meat is a traditional delicacy in Akwa Ibom, the same region Hilda hails from. Okon Lagos further argued that if eating dog meat is considered a crime, then similar arguments could be made regarding other animals that are commonly kept as pets.

In Okon’s statement, he expressed his disagreement with the Dog Lovers Association president, saying: “Who’s this one sef? Ok Madam Cloutina, before you began inciting Western hate on Hilda, you should have first of all known that there is no proof that the meat on that table is dog meat. Most things on social media aren’t real. Second, even if it is dog meat, Akwa Ibomites and Cross Riverians eat dog meat and there is NOTHING wrong with it.” He clarified that the locals do not consume pet dogs but rather wild dogs that are hunted as game in the forest or local breeds that exhibit aggressive behavior towards passersby. Okon Lagos also drew attention to the fact that people consume other animals, such as pythons, which are also kept as pets by many individuals.
“As much as this is a mischievous and selective justice for animals, it is also broad daylight witchcraft to put a clog in someone’s wheel of progress,” Okon Lagos concluded, questioning the notion of protective movements for all animals and raising philosophical questions about the food chain and the sanctity of life in relation to different organisms.