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Northeast coastal storm arrives ahead of Thanksgiving weekend travel

Northeast coastal storm arrives ahead of Thanksgiving weekend travel

On the eve of a holiday week when more than 50 million Americans are planning to travel, the Fox Forecast Center is monitoring the arrival of a cold front and a storm system off the Eastern Seaboard that are expected to end the Northeast’s streak of beautiful weekends.

According to forecast models, precipitation is expected to begin falling on Friday, with the coastal low’s impacts felt on Saturday.

Impacts are expected to vary by location, with coastal communities in New England being in line for the worst of the impacts, which could include rain and gusty winds.

“You’ve got this front approaching from the west that kind of helps guide this system up the coastline. We had two dry weekends in a row in the Northeast. It will not be three by the looks of it,” said Fox Weather meteorologist Ian Oliver.

Fortunately, for much of the I-95 corridor, any rounds of rain are expected to remain on the lighter side and be brief.

A map tracks the wet weather that’s ready to slam the Northeast, as precipitation is expected to begin falling on Friday, with the coastal low’s impacts felt on Saturday.
FOX Weather

Cities such as Philadelphia and New York are not expected to see rainfall accumulations above an inch, while Boston might see an inch or two, depending on how quickly tropical moisture lifts northward.

The precipitation could even include snow showers in the higher elevations of New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.

Communities closer to the heart of the system face the potential of heavier precipitation.

The precipitation expected to hit Friday could mean snow showers in the higher elevations of New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.
FOX Weather
As millions plan to travel for the holidays, a cold front and a storm system off the Eastern Seaboard are expected to hit the Northeast.

Places like Martha’s Vineyard and Downeast Maine have the potential for multiple inches of precipitation through Saturday.

“Especially, coastal Maine, Downeast Maine … a really tough year. They could see some pretty hefty rain over the next few days with this storm,” said Fox Weather meteorologist Haley Meier.

The National Weather Service office in Boston says it is not expecting any flooding concerns from the storm system, but it will be windy at times.

Communities closer to the heart of the system are looking at heavier precipitation than other areas.

Wind gusts of at least 20 to 30 mph are expected to impact the region on Friday and last well into Saturday.

Behind the cold front, temperatures are expected to fall to values that are well below normal — a pattern that could stick around through most of the Thanksgiving holiday week.

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