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Nigerian Army reshuffles senior officers in major shakeup

Nigerian Army reshuffles senior officers in major shakeup
The Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR) has pledged to collaborate with the Nigerian Army Resource Centre (NARC) to find practical solutions to insecurity confronting the country.

The Nigerian Army has redeployed some of its senior officers in a major shakeup.

Outgoing Army spokesperson, Mohammed Yerima, a brigadier general, made this known in a statement on Thursday.

Notable amongst the new appointments was that of C.G. Musa, a major general, who was named the new Theatre Commander of Operation Hadin Kai, the counter insurgency operation in the North-east region.

Also, Onyema Nwachukwu, a brigadier general, has now been appointed as the army spokesperson.

Another brigadier general, A.M. Umar, was named the chief of staff to the COAS.

The reshuffle, considered normal when there is a new leadership in the force, was expected when the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Faruk Yahaya, a major general, was appointed on May 27.

He replaced the late COAS, Ibrahim Attahiru, who died in a plane crash on May 21.

A similar reshuffle in the army had taken place in February, a few days after Mr Attahiru took over.

In the latest reshuffle, Mr Yahaya urged all the affected senior officers “to justify the confidence reposed on them”, adding that all posting and appointments are with immediate effect.

Read full statement:


The Nigerian Army (NA) has released posting and appointments of senior officers. This is in line with the Chief of Army Staff vision to have a professional Nigerian Army ready to accomplish assigned missions within a Joint Environment in Defence of Nigeria.

Those affected in the reorganization include; Major General FO Omoigui from Headquarters Theatre Command Operation HADIN KAI to Land Forces Simulation Centre Nigeria and appointed Director General, Major General CG Musa from Nigerian Army Resource Centre to Headquarters Theatre Command Operation HADIN KAI and appointed Theatre Commander, Major General OR Aiyenigba from Defence Headquarters to Headquarters Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police and appointed Provost Marshal(Army) and Major General IM Jallo from Defence Space Administration to Headquarters Theatre Command Operation HADIN KAI and appointed Deputy Theatre Commander 1.

Others affected in the posting include ; Brigadier General NU Muktar from Nigeria High Commission Islamabad to Office of the Chief of Army Staff and appointed Director of Procurement, Brigadier General O Nwachukwu from Defence Headquarters ( Director Defence Information) to Headquarters Directorate of Army Public Relations and appointed Director, Brigadier General AE Abubakar from Department of Training and Operations( Defunct) to Headquarters 22 Brigade and appointed Commander, Brigadier General KO Ukandu from Office of the Chief of Army Staff (Director Procurement) to National Defence College and appointed Directing Staff, Brigadier General IB Abubakar from Nigerian Army Armour School to Army Headquarters Department of Army Operations and appointed Deputy Director Operations, Brigadier General AM Umar from Army War College Nigeria to Office of the Chief of Army Staff and appointed Chief of Staff to the Chief of Army Staff and Brigadier General AJS Gulani from Nigerian Army Armour School to Headquarters 24 Task Force Brigade and appointed Commander.

Others are; Colonel KE Inyang from Headquarters Department of Army Logistics to Office of the Chief of Army Staff and appointed Military Assistant to the Chief of Army Staff, Colonel OO Braimah from Headquarters Theatre Command Operation HADIN KAI to Nigeria High Commission Islamabad and appointed Defence Attachee and Colonel IP Omoke from Office of the Chief of Army Staff to Defence Intelligence Agency and appointed Assistor Director Foreign Liaison/Liaison Officer(Army).

The Chief of Army Staff, Major General Faruk Yahaya urged all the affected senior officers to justify the confidence reposed on them. All posting and appointments are with immediate effect.

Brigadier General
Director Army Public Relations
10 May 2021

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