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MOUAU SUG P.R.O and roommate die from suspected food poisoning, a week to election

MOUAU SUG P.R.O and roommate die from suspected food poisoning, a week to election

Two students of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUAU) in Umudike, Abia State, were on Saturday morning, November 5, found dead in their room.

The students, identified simply as Victor and Decency, were said to be roommates and were both in 200 levels.

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According to a source, “On Friday night, they sent their bike man to buy food for them, which they ate before going to bed. They were, sadly, found dead the next day by their lodge mates. Victor vomited blood and Decency had white stuff on this nose.

Decency is the current SUG P.R.O of his college, he is contesting again and school election is next week. I’m suspecting it might be opponents that poisoned him.”



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