Lucius, who just released their new album Second Nature on Friday, gave an interview with The Los Angeles Times where they reflected on their work with Harry Styles on the Fine Line song “Treat People With Kindness.” The duo said they felt they were unfairly denied a featured artist credit on the track after making significant contributions. The duo are credited on the song as vocalists when you click through to view the song’s credits, but don’t receive a prominent featured artist credit on streaming platforms. “We start the song, we sing every chorus, just us,” Jess Wolfe said. “We trade off the bridge. It is us and Harry Styles. Harry Styles and us.”
“It just hurt,” Wolfe says. “Here was an opportunity to spread the love a little bit, which he purports to do all the time. And it could’ve really helped us.” They noted that they get along with Styles and performed the song with him live in the past. “The fun part for me is that I don’t sing on the chorus,” he reportedly said at the Forum in 2019 while introducing a performance with Lucius.
Pitchfork has reached out to representatives for Harry Styles for comment.
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