Logic1000 has released her highly-anticipated debut album, Mother. Inspired by the birth of her first child, the Australian DJ, whose real name is Samantha Poulter, has been making music professionally for nearly a decade.
She had already released two EPs under the Logic1000 name, working out of Berlin, and had planned to put out a third when she was struck by the feeling to simply continue creating music, even when she had enough to compile another EP. The resulting Mother is an eclectic assemblage of tracks, ranging from romantic to glitchy.
In a recent interview with Hypebeast, she says that the birth of her child marked a turning point in her music. It also sparked Logic1000’s desire to work entirely with women artists for guest features.
“I felt like I’d said everything I needed to say in EP form, and once I had given birth I had this overwhelming sense that I needed to create something bigger and very beautiful,” she said. “I had this surge of energy where I thought, “If I can create life, surely there are other great things I can do.””
Stream Logic1000’s debut album Mother is out everywhere now.