Lil Nas X has shared an anime-inspired video for the new song “Star Walkin’ (League of Legends Worlds Anthem).” The song was made to go with the announcement that he is the new president of League of Legends. His role will be to add a musical touch to the competitive gaming experience. “Star Walkin’” will be a part of League of Legends Worlds 2022 which kicks off in Mexico City on September 29. Check out the video below.
Lil Nas X said in a statement, “I felt like it was time for me to try something new. I’ve left my mark on pop culture in so many ways, and now it’s time to take on the world of gaming. I will be the greatest President, of League of Legends, of all time. Also I’m going to make the best Worlds anthem of all time and put on the biggest, coolest, sexiest Worlds in the history of all Worlds!”
Currently, Lil Nas X is on tour and this summer he released the YoungBoy-assisted single “Late To Da Party.”
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