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Leon Xu Paints Memories Captured on His iPhone in New Exhibition

Leon Xu Paints Memories Captured on His iPhone in New Exhibition

New York’s WHAAM! Gallery unveiled a new solo exhibition over the weekend on Chinese artist, Leon Xu. Currently based in Brooklyn, Xu explores themes related to the human psyche through a foggy aesthetic that perhaps best reflects the way in which our memories fade with time.

“Handle With Care” consists of eight new paintings based on photos taken from his iPhone during his travels. Xu uses these often overlooked images as a way to explore the visuals and feelings that had once operated in our minds. Much of these “brain tingles,” as he describes them, were largely taken in his car — a space he spent hours in during the pandemic driving around New York City — a sort of sanctuary amidst the uncertainty of a changing world.

Xu achieves these hazy scenes by blurring his background in graffiti and fine art — two previously disparate disciplines that continue to merge in the present day. “Handle With Care” is on view at WHAAM! Gallery until February 27.

Elsewhere in art, David Zwirner presents a solo exhibition of work on master-photographer, Roy DeCarava.

WHAAM! Gallery
15 Elizabeth St # 113,
New York, NY 10013

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