Source: Kevin C. Cox / Getty
LeBron James, who doesn’t bite his tongue when it comes to calling out the nonsense he sees or hears, had the perfect response to Donald Trump not watching him and his NBA brethren play.
Following the Los Angeles Lakers getting their tails handed to them by the Oklahoma City Thunder in a 105-86 loss, King James clapped back at the orange menace. Donald Trump said on Wednesday morning during a rambling interview with his buddies at Fox and Friends that seeing NBA athletes exercising their constitutional right to protest by kneeling during the National Anthem makes him “turn off the game.”
When asked about how he felt about Trump’s decision to tune out because he is BIG MAD about professional athletes kneeling, James shaded the current occupant in the White House, perfectly stating:
“I really don’t think the basketball community are sad about losing his viewership, him viewing the game. And that’s all I got to say.”
Basically, half a bar and nothing more needed to address that situation.
When someone asked James about Trump’s ridiculous claims that he has done more for African-Americans than any other president in history, LBJ responded:
“Are you trying to make me laugh right now?”
James was going to elaborate more but opted not to, knowing that Trump would have to get the last word and more than likely would respond back via his favorite outlet, Twitter.
“I already know where this could go, where it could lead to for tomorrow for me,” he said. “I’m not going to get into it.”
Instead of wasting words on the “president,” James used the moment to talk about his More Than A Vote, which is out here helping to restore voting rights to ex-felons in Florida and energizing the Black vote.
“I think our game is in a beautiful position, and we have fans all over the world, and our fans not only love the way we play the game, we try to give it back to them with our commitment to the game. But also respect what else we try to bring to the game and acknowledge it — what’s right and what’s wrong. And I hope everyone, no matter the race, no matter the color, no matter the size, will see what leadership that we have at the top in our country and understand that November is right around the corner and it’s a big moment for us as Americans. If we continue to talk about, ‘We want better, we want change,’ we have an opportunity to do that. But the game will go on without his eyes on it. I can sit here and speak for all of us that love the game of basketball: We could [not] care less.”
Respect to LeBron James.
Photo: Kevin C. Cox / Getty