Tomorrow (Friday, July 1), Lakeshore Records is releasing Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein’s Stranger Things 4 (Original Score From the Netflix Series). Like the Netflix show’s fourth season, the 80-track album is divided into two volumes. Below, listen to two new songs from the album (via Consequence).
The first volume of Stranger Things’ fourth season prominently featured Kate Bush’s “Running up That Hill.” The 1985 single reached No. 1 in the United Kingdom and hit the U.S. top 10 for the first time. After several rare statements about the song’s success, Bush spoke with BBC Radio 4’s Emma Barnett, saying, “What’s really wonderful, I think, is this is a whole new audience who, in a lot of cases, have never heard of me and I love that. The thought of all these really young people hearing the song for the first time and discovering it is… well, I think it’s very special.”
Dixon and Stein, who also perform in the band Survive, won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music in 2017. Revisit Pitchfork’s track review of the Stranger Things, Vol. 1 entry “She’ll Kill You.”
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