In a recent interview with BlackTree TV, Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige finally gave an update on the new Blade film. Mahershala Ali has been attached to the project since 2019, but the film has yet to begin production. The film recently saw its second director exit and movement on the project has been slow.
Despite the case, Feige has now said that it is likely the new Blade film will be rated R, similar to the new Deadpool movie. When asked if Deadpool‘s approach has allowed the studio to pivot Feige responded, “I think that’s right. I mean, for the last two years as we’ve been trying to crack that movie, the most important thing for us is not rushing it and making sure we are making the right Blade movie.” He continued, “Because there were some great Blade movies years ago — they were all rated-R. So I think that’s, like Deadpool, inherent with the character of Blade.” Not much information was given regarding an update on the film, it seems that the process is moving along as Feige and the studio try to find the right director for the project. It is uncertain when the film will release following all these changes.