Kenny Beats has announced that he’s got a new album on the way, his first solo project. It’s titled Louie and it’s out August 31 via XL. The producer made the record at the end of 2021 while self-isolating in England. Check out a Louie preview along with the album art and track list below.
Kenny Beats began working on Louie after getting the news that his father—his namesake—had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. “I always said that I wouldn’t do a solo album because I didn’t have anything to say. Finally, I did,” he said in a statement about Louie. “Something dark turned into something beautiful. This album encapsulated the feeling of that one month.”
Kenny Beats has been a busy producer and collaborator in recent years, issuing joint releases with Q Da Fool, Rico Nasty, and 03 Greedo. Last year, he joined Denzel Curry for the Unlocked 1.5 EP as a follow-up to their 2020 record Unlocked. He also co-produced Idles’ fourth LP, Crawler.
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01 Leonard
02 Parenthesis
03 Hold My Head
04 So They Say
05 Family Tree
06 Hooper
07 Still
08 Moire
09 Get Around
10 Eternal
11 Last Words
12 Drop 10
13 The Perch
14 Really Really
15 That Third Thing
16 Rotten
17 Hot Hand

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