— For nearly a decade the Kandiyohi-Renville County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership has been assisting communities to make real and sustainable change to provide residents the opportunities to live healthier lives.

West Central Tribune file photo
At the Feb. 6
meeting, Jeff Filipek, Kandiyohi-Renville County SHIP coordinator, gave commissioners an update on what he and fellow coordinator Brittany Schmalz have been up to over the last few years.
“Over the last three years we have done about $150,000 in grants to a variety of community groups and nonprofits in Kandiyohi and Renville,” Filipek said. “More importantly our work is centered around building relationships, connecting different partners.”
Areas of focus are active living, healthy eating, tobacco prevention and well-being.
“Well-being is a new context area for us in the last year,” Filipek said.
Another important aspect of SHIP is to find ways to make sustainable change in a community that won’t fade away once the initial grant funding has run out and outside help has left.
“We look for programs that are going to be sustainable, have some good community leadership so you can make some positive changes in the community,” Filipek said.
SHIP has lent support and partnered with communities, health care providers, schools and workplaces across the counties. The partnership wants to make changes in policy, systems and environment that make it easier for people to be healthier.
“We have a lot of projects that we did over the last few years,” Filipek said.
For many years SHIP has been helping farmers markets in both counties. This includes the farmers market that recently started at Robbins Island in Willmar. While farmers markets provide a great place to find fresh and local produce, Filipek said there is something else that can be found at area markets that is important as well.
“Post COVID, farmers markets have been beneficial because people are getting out and visiting. It was one of the first things people started to do,” Filipek said. “You can’t underestimate the community connections when you go to some of our farmers markets.”

Macy Moore / West Central Tribune
Other food projects SHIP has been involved in include food service training at various school districts, hydroponic garden programs at BOLD and Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City schools, farm-to-school with Willmar Public Schools, community gardens, food shelf upgrades and constructing raised garden beds at senior housing facilities.
“We’d love to do more work like this. It is a really great program,” Filipek said of the senior housing garden beds. He said retired farmers who move to these facilities enjoy having the chance to still get their hands dirty.
Over the last few years, SHIP has also been an active participant in the
, whose goal is to educate and increase awareness about adverse childhood experiences. In 2022, it helped create and distribute a calendar that shared important information and resources on adverse childhood experiences. This year, the ACES Coalition, with help from PACT for Families and SHIP, will distribute the “Youth Connections” magazine, with articles and resources about ACES.
SHIP also wants to help people be more active and get outside. The program has been a
big supporter of Willmar Bikes
, which has been working to improve the city’s bike and pedestrian path network, as well as helping Kandiyohi County update its bike and pedestrian plan.

Macy Moore / West Central Tribune
“This really sets the stage in Kandiyohi County for people to get out and bike and walk,” Filipek said.
The partnership has also assisted a walking club set up by Advocacy and Inclusion Matter, a nonprofit that advocates for people with disabilities, and is looking forward to starting a frisbee golf program as well. The Renville County Parks have gotten new trail signage and a few dangerous intersections in both counties have seen flashing pedestrian signs installed thanks in part to funding from SHIP.
“Get people up and moving,” Filipek said.
The Kandiyohi County Board thanked Filipek for not only the presentation update, but also for all the work SHIP has done and continues to do to make Kandiyohi County a great place to live.
“The amount of collaboration you do is just fantastic,” said Commissioner Corky Berg said.
Filipek said its been great and meaningful work, being part of SHIP.
“It is fun going out and doing these projects, connecting people up and seeing the outcome of it,” Filepek said.