Day two of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial began where day one ended, with Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime pilot Lawrence Paul Visoski Jr. on the stand. On Tuesday, as the New York Times and New York Post report, Visoski named some of the high-profile guests he had ferried on Epstein’s private plane, including politicians, artists, and accused sexual predator Kevin Spacey.
For those tracing Epstein’s alleged global sex trafficking operation, his frequent flights have long been a source of interest, so much so that his private plane has been dubbed the “Lolita Express.” Visoski served as the disgraced financier’s chief pilot for over 25 years, and testified that in addition to Kevin Spacey, he flew former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, plus actor Chris Tucker, late astronaut and senator John Glenn, and acclaimed violinist Itzhak Perlman.
While he testified that he did not see any unaccompanied women who looked younger than 20 on the plane, he did confirm that he gave rides to one of Epstein’s accusers, known in court as ‘Jane.’ Visoski remembered her as “a mature woman, with piercing, powder blue eyes.” Jane’s birth certificate was shown in court to prove she’d been underage at the time, and she herself later took the stand to claim that Epstein began abusing her when she was 14 years old, sometimes when Maxwell was in the room. She also said that Maxwell and Epstein groomed and manipulated her for years.
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Visoski testified that he “never saw any sexual activity” on the flights, but also noted that the cockpit door always remained closed. He said he reported to both Maxwell and Epstein: “Ms. Maxwell was the No. 2 and Mr. Epstein was a big No. 1,” he said.
The trial continued today with Maxwell’s defense attorney cross-examining Jane and seeking to prove she is unreliable. On Monday, Maxwell’s lawyer compared Epstein to a “21st century James Bond,” although it should be noted, James Bond never raped dozens of underaged girls.
Spacey has been accused by multiple men of sexually assaulting them when they were as young as 14. Last month, a judge ordered him to pay $31 million to producers of his old show House of Cards, to cover lost revenue after he was terminated in disgrace.