Jack White appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Thursday night (July 21), playing an album cover game with Stephen Colbert and performing “If I Die Tomorrow” from his new LP Entering Heaven Alive. At the conclusion of their game “Maybe Dropping Soon,” White and Colbert sang along to Stan Rogers’ 1976 song “Barrett’s Privateers,” which Colbert had previously sung with Michael Bublé back in March. Watch White and Colbert’s antics happen below.
Entering Heaven Alive, White’s second album of 2022, arrived a little more than three months after Fear of the Dawn. White also stopped by the Colbert set in April to discuss his recent goings-on with the host and perform “What’s the Trick,” not long after Fear of the Dawn’s release.
Earlier this year, the guitarist married Olivia Jean onstage during a show in Detroit, after playing the national anthem for the Detroit Tigers’ home opener. Next month, he’ll tour North and South America, joined by Cat Power, Ichi-Bons, the Paranoyds and others at different stops.
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