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Instagram Now Lets Users With Over 10K Followers Get Paid During Livestreams

Instagram Now Lets Users With Over 10K Followers Get Paid During Livestreams

Instagram has rolled out its badges feature to users in the United States, expanding the pool of creators that can now get paid for their Live content. The company started testing the feature last October before expanding it to approximately 50,000 users.

Viewers on Instagram Live can purchase badges in increments of $0.99, $1.99 and $4.99. In return, badge owners receive a thank you message and their comments and questions will receive increased visibility for the duration of the Live. Badge owners will also appear in a list available to the creator for up to 90 days.

Beginning today, users over the age of eighteen with more than ten thousand followers can apply for the feature within the Instagram app. To be considered, they must additionally have a professional account—meaning one designated as a business or creator—and meet the app’s community and content monetization guidelines.

Users can check their Professional Dashboard for status updates on their application and once approved, to set up the feature.

Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that Meta’s apps, Instagram included, won’t take cuts of creator revenue until at least 2023, however, the Apple and Google app stores will take a 30% cut per their usual tax on in-app purchases.

In other tech news, Elon Musk sparred with Bernie Sanders on Twitter over taxes.

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