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I’m Sceptical of Eco Beauty Brands, But These 14 Products Have Blown Me Away

I’m Sceptical of Eco Beauty Brands, But These 14 Products Have Blown Me Away

And this level of overconsumption is far from our fault. You see, if the beauty products we bought actually worked, we might not feel the need to continue buying more. The bigger issue of sustainability in beauty right now is not down to simple things such as recyclable packaging and ‘biodegradable’ (which, by the way, in practice rarely are), but rather the amount of products being produced and consumed. The global beauty industry products more than 120 billion units of packaging every year, with the majority ending up in landfill and carbon emissions being produced with every manufacturing, shipping, and shopping process. It begs the question: How eco can a new, seemingly sustainable product really be?

So, with every beauty product I recommend, I feel as though I have the weight of the world (quite literally) on my shoulders. Because of this, when it comes to ‘eco’ beauty products, I am incredibly sceptical. Sure, the packaging can be recyclable, refillable, and the ingredients locally-sourced, but if it doesn’t work, that product is doing little more than negatively contributing to a very serious problem. 

And so, over the past few months, I have made it my mission to source the very best, most efficacious eco beauty products. They may not appear as sustainable as you might think at first, but their pledges and behind-the-scenes programmes make for a much better beauty world. And the best bit? They actually work. Keep scrolling for the best eco beauty products out there.

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