Everyone has that one accessory they adore. Be it handbags, scarves or jewellery, it’s easy to fall for the finishing touches that make up an outfit. As with clothes, accessory trends come and go. The truly brilliant styles stand the test of time, making the most of their cost per wear, but just like the revival of maxi skirts, baggy jeans and zebra print, trends form within accessories, making some feel fresher than others.
If you’re looking to revitalise your looks without completely overhauling your wardrobe, adding in fresh or trending accessories to the mix can breath fresh life into your looks. And as everything in fashion is cyclical, you know that even when these trends are “out,” it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be reaching for them again.
Our fashion team definitely has their favourite accessories, and they’re here to share the five trends they love right now.

Tagged: Autumn Fashion