Buying a designer bag is a big decision. In most cases it comes with a pretty hefty price-tag and so, more than anything, you want to make sure it’s a purchase you don’t regret. That’s why it’s always worth doing as much research as possible beforehand. There’s so many styles out there now and it can be hard, especially with the nature of It bags coming and going, to know which ones are truly worth your money. Well, that’s where I come in. Just think of me as your fairy bag-mother— here to advise you on the most classic, timeless designer bags that will go with everything, and continue to elevate all your outfits for years to come.
I’ve been a stylist for almost a decade and so I’ve seen a lot of bags come and go. The 25 styles I’ve listed below, though, have stayed the course, proving their worth many times over. Most of them have reached icon status, instantly recognisable and respected the world over as luxury at its finest (we’re looking at you, Hermès Kelly and Prada Galleria). Some are slightly newer to the scene, offering a more understated, ‘in-the-know’ approach to luxury— like the The Row’s Everyday Tote or Loewe’s Cushion perhaps.
Tagged: handbags