This is a contentious issue and one that can and should only be crowdsourced. I sent a Slack message to the team to gather their responses first. It was a fairly unanimous “no” bar my fellow fussbett-loving editor, Nell Block. However, when polling on Instagram Stories, my followers were almost split down the middle, with 46% voting “yes” and 54% saying “no,” to wearing them. I had multiple DMs sliding in from industry friends—editors, textile designers and stylists—saying they’ve come around to the concept lately, but they’re gunning for a pair of the fluffy-lined sandals or slip-ons, which are actually quite hard to get hold of thanks to their popularity. Over on our Facebook shopping group, So… Should I Buy This? the dislike was deafening: 85 votes for no, 10 for maybe, 8 for yes.
As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And so is fashionability: If you deem Crocs and your outfits to be fashionable, then who am I to disagree? So, it’s simply a case of working out whether they fit into my wardrobe or not…