It’s almost impossible to think of a time when blazers didn’t dominate my wardrobe. Sure, I’d worn them at school. (I was probably one of the only students who dutifully did so and, dare I say, enjoyed it.) However, after leaving high school and enrolling at art school, they served no purpose in my closet. That was until I landed my first magazine internship in London. Unlike my hometown, which, at the time, had no Zara to speak of, it felt as if there was a branch on every street corner. As such, during my four-week placement, my love of Zara only grew and grew, and subsequently, so did my blazer collection.
For the purposes of this feature, I decided to count how many blazers I have in my wardrobe. In total? Thirteen. And how many of them are from Zara? Nine. This may sound excessive, but please bear in mind this collection is now 11 years in the making.
Tagged: high-street