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I Keep Spotting French Girls in These 6 Affordable Summer Trends

I Keep Spotting French Girls in These 6 Affordable Summer Trends

In the style inspiration stakes, the French-girl look will forever be at the top of our list. We never get bored of the plethora of cool-girl outfits that come from this part of the world. Of course, the notion of what constitutes “French style” has changed over time, and no longer exclusively refers to Breton tops and knotted neckerchiefs. Thanks to the democratising powers of Instagram, a new guard has risen up, bringing their own unique interpretations to this classic aesthetic. Let’s just say, we’re paying attention. 

This summer, we’ve seen all manner of cool outfits come from the likes of Slip Into Style and Frann Fyne, and after a bit of digging we’ve come up with four trends, in particular, that seem to crop up again and again amongst the Gallic girls. While each one is interpreted differently by each individual, every look still possesses that classic balance of trend-led and timeless: Think cool-girl leopard print, oversized shirting, retro sunnies and sultry cut-outs. Best of all? Each one can be bought on a budget.

So, if like us, you can’t resist the allure of French-girl fashion, scroll down to see the affordable summer trends they’re championing this year.

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