And while I hate for my foundation (when I opt for it) to be heavy-duty or full-coverage, I firmly believe that all good concealers should be exactly that. I want my concealer to hide whatever I want it to hide, but I also like it to have a skin-like finish, avoid creasing and be easy to apply. That’s not so much to ask, is it?
Turns out it really is. In fact, I’ve tried every concealer that has ever come my way as a beauty editor (of which there have been hundreds), and I can safely say there are only 11 full-coverage concealer formulas that I feel confident enough to recommend to those with intense dark circles and uneven skin tone like myself. So to prove to you just how good these concealers are, I’ve snapped myself in every single one—no primer, no foundation, no other base products at all in fact, just concealer. Keep scrolling to discover the 11 best full-coverage concealers I’ve ever used.

Tagged: makeup