“Absurdity is a tool for self-reflection.”
Can you speak to the themes and motifs present in your work, such as subversion, absurdism, and the regenerative nature of your thematic vernacular?
Absurdity is a tool for self-reflection.
You have worked with a variety of mediums, including furniture, fashion, and product design. Is there a particular medium that you prefer working with, or do you enjoy the diversity of exploring different forms of expression?
I need to explore to feel free.
Collaboration is an important part of your work, having worked with several well-known brands. Can you talk about your process for collaborating with companies and how you integrate your artistic style into their projects?
It can widely vary. Sometimes brands approach me and already have an idea in mind, other times I approach them with ideas. Right before graduating, a professor advised me to “say yes to everything”. I can’t really do that now, but I am always excited to work with brands who value creative freedom. Ideally, in the process, we make zero compromises. With the exception of a few things, I produce everything in-studio. I’d love to start working more with brands who leverage specialized production technologies and innovative materials. Once the conversation starts, you never know where you’ll end up!